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更新时间:2012-06-21      点击次数:3742


Determining the concentration of precious metals frequently requires the digestion of rock samples with strong acids. These digested samples are then diluted to lower the metal concentration and pH prior to analysis by Atomic Absorption (AA) or Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP). The Microlab 600 provides a safe and effective means for diluting these harsh samples.
Why choose the Microlab 600 for the Mining Industry?
Quantification of base and precious metals such as gold, silver, copper, and zinc all require the dilution of digested ore samples. The profitability of a mine is predicated on the accuracy of these assay results. The Microlab 600's chemically inert fluid path is resistant to strong acids and is free of leachable metals. The positive displacement syringes provide accurate and precise results that are not susceptible to variations in sample consistency or atmospheric pressure.
The digested ore samples are aspirated into the hand probe and then diluted into a vial for analysis. This two step process minimizes contaminated labware and reduces the technician’s exposure to harsh chemicals.
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